Frontend Architecture
Pagoda provides two distinct user interfaces: a modern React-based SPA (New UI) and a traditional Django template-based interface (Legacy UI). This document explains both interfaces, their features, and how to work with them.
- Modern, responsive single-page application
- Fast, client-side navigation
- Real-time updates and validations
- Consistent look and feel using Material-UI
- Internationalization support
- Traditional server-side rendered pages
- Direct database operations
- Stable and proven interface
- Simpler architecture for basic operations
- Entity and attribute management
- User and group administration
- Access control management
- Advanced search capabilities
- History tracking
- Webhook management
- Improved response times through API-based operations
- Modern form handling with real-time validation
- Enhanced user experience with instant feedback
- Consistent styling across all pages
- Mobile-friendly responsive design
- Direct database operations
- Server-side validation
- Traditional navigation pattern
- Simpler debugging process
- Working with modern browsers
- Requiring real-time feedback
- Needing mobile-friendly interface
- Performing complex data operations
- Integrating with other modern web applications
- Requiring simpler, proven interface
- Working in environments with limited JavaScript support
- Needing direct database operations
- Performing basic CRUD operations
- React 18
- TypeScript
- Material-UI (MUI)
- react-router for routing
- react-hook-form for form management
- zod for schema validation
- i18next for internationalization
├── apiclient/ # API client wrapper
├── components/ # Reusable UI components
├── hooks/ # Custom React hooks
├── i18n/ # Internationalization
├── pages/ # Page components
├── repository/ # Data access layer
├── routes/ # Routing configuration
└── services/ # Business logic
- API Client: Auto-generated from OpenAPI specs
- Form Management: react-hook-form with zod validation
- State Management: React hooks and context
- Routing: react-router with type-safe routes
- UI Components: Material-UI based components
- Django Templates
- jQuery (where needed)
- Bootstrap for styling
├── advanced_search/ # Search interface
├── edit_entry/ # Entry management
├── list_entry/ # Entry listing
├── registration/ # User registration
├── role/ # Role management
└── show_entry/ # Entry display
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start development server
npm run watch
# Build for production
npm run build:production
New UI Development
- Follow React component patterns
- Use TypeScript for type safety
- Implement responsive design
- Add appropriate test coverage
- Update API client when needed
Legacy UI Development
- Follow Django template patterns
- Maintain backwards compatibility
- Keep JavaScript usage minimal
- Test across different browsers
New UI Testing
- Unit tests with Jest
- Component testing with React Testing Library
- E2E testing when needed
- i18n testing
Legacy UI Testing
- Django template testing
- Integration testing
- Browser compatibility testing
- Use React.memo for expensive components
- Implement proper code splitting
- Optimize bundle size
- Use appropriate caching strategies
- Minimize server-side processing
- Optimize template rendering
- Use appropriate caching
- Minimize database queries